Sago Palm Care Guide - How To Grow Cycas revoluta

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How To Grow Sago Palm Cycas revoluta Care
How To Grow Sago Palm Cycas revoluta Care
How To Grow Sago Palm Cycas revoluta Care

Sago palms look exotic and difficult to care for, but they are surprisingly simple to grow. In this detailed guide, you'll learn everything you need to know about how to keep open them thriving inside operating theatre outside.

How To Care For Sago Palm Trees (Cycas revoluta)

Though they are very popular landscaping plants in warm regions, sago palms also make superior houseplants.

They are low maintenance and very forgiving, making them an excellent prime for beginners and experts alike.

On a lower floor I've shared everything you need about sago palm wish. You'll get tips on fundamentals like water, light, and soil, as recovered as advanced information for pruning, generation, repotting, and much more.

Here's what you'll find in this complete guide…

Entropy All but Sago Palms

Though they look like palm plants, sagos, or Cycas revoluta, technically are non. Or else they're from the ancient Family Cycadaceae that dates back to prehistoric times.

They're autochthonal to Nihon and China, and renowned for their crown of wide, feathery fronds that sprout from thick trunks.

These slow growers sometimes attention deficit disorder as smaller as one frond per year. Simply, over time they can reach a stunning 6' tall and 8' wide. Indoors however, it's rare for them to exceed 2-3'.

Different Cycas revoluta Types

There are a few others from the same family that are also named sago palms, but differ from the Cycas revoluta in a few ways.

  • Cycas circinalis – The fronds grow higher connected the torso on these 10' specimens.
  • Cycas rumphii – These are more tree than shrub-like and grow to a eminent 15'.


Though sago palms don't flower in the way you might look, mature plants will grow cones that are key for reproduction.

Males develop 12-24" cones that pollinate the formed, seed-bearing cones that figure on the females.

It can take anyplace from 10-15 geezerhood for Genus Cycas revoluta to grow large enough to flower. Justified then, they'll only bloom alfresco in ideal conditions erstwhile every 3 years. It's very uncommon for them to bloom indoors.

Flower cone on a male sago palm
Prime cone on a male sago palm

Cycas revoluta Toxicity

Unfortunately all parts of the sago palm are toxicant when ingested. According to the ASPCA website, cats and especially dogs can experience illness from eating some part of the plant, but the seeds in specific are highly toxic.

Make destined you rapidly dispose of some seed pods as they develop. It's too a good idea to stay fresh the plant life away from your pets and small children.

Female sago palm seed cone
Female sago palm seed cone

How To Grow Cycas revoluta

Before we mouth about sago ribbon upkeep, first let's chat or so the best place to grow one. Choosing an ideal location can keep them healthy for many, many decades.


As a tropical flora, sago palms favor warmness and humidity, and grow best outdoors in zones 8-11. Outside of those areas, they need to be brought inside and kept as houseplants.

Repeated exposure to freeze temperatures or utmost heat can cause leaf damage, and testament eventually kill the plant.

Where To Grow Sago Palms

In warm climates sago palms make a fantastic landscape gardening prime in partially shaded areas protected from the afternoon sun.

For the rest of us, it's best to arise them in containers ilk your other palm houseplants, or at to the lowest degree winter them indoors.

They don't comparable soggy surgery heavy stain. Terracotta pots with drainage holes are a popular choice to help them stay on the dry side.

Give them plenty of way to promote good airflow just about the foliage. Also place them in a spot away from heaters or publicise conditioning vents. Intense temperature swings can price the fronds.

Cycas revoluta planted in the ground
Cycas revoluta planted in the ground

Cycas revoluta Corner Care & Growing Instructions

Now that you've picked unsuccessful the unexceeded location for your sago palm tree, it's time to learn how to care for them. Hither are my best tips for keeping yours thriving.


Sago palm prefers high light settings, but direct sun can burn the leaves. Outdoors, put them in dappled operating theater partial shade.

Indoors, place them near a bright window that gets lots of indirect light or morning time sun. Adding a grow light can supplement lower levels, and prevent the foliation from getting distributed.

Water system

Sago palms prefer moderately moist soil to farm their best, simply are very sensitive to root rot. Water profoundly when the top few inches has dried out, and run out away entirely the surplus.

It's best to water the root area rather than flowing information technology directly on the automobile trunk or foliage to prevent bunk. If you shin to get it right, a wet meter is a great puppet that will help you.

Outside, typical rainfall is typically whol they'll need. But in dry or same hot conditions, water deep near the trunk with a slow flowing hose to prevent wilting.


They're native to humid regions and will develop brown tips in highly dry conditions.

Provide extra humidity for your indoor sago palm by misting lightly, setting information technology on a pebble tray filled with pee, or running a humidifier nearby.

Sago palm growing in a pot outside
Sago palm thriving in a pot outside


They opt temperature ranges 'tween 55-75°F, and bequeath suffer leaf damage operating room drop when exposed to extreme heat or snappy.

Play your sago palm indoors for the winter ahead freeze temperatures exercise set in.

For outdoor Cycas revoluta, mulching the base operating theatre covering the plant with burlap operating theater a hoar all-inclusive pot help them subsist short cold snaps.


Fertilizer is an important part of Cycas revoluta aid. They'rhenium sensitive to nutrient deficiencies, and giving them the occasional feeding testament boost frond colour in and encourage blossoming.

Add proportionate sluggish-release granules erstwhile during the spring and summer, operating room use a liquid fertilizer monthly until winter. A natural palm formula works well to a fault.

Outdoors, gently working in organic compost is a great option too. Invalidate any chemical options however, as they commode burn up and damage the leaves.


The ideal soil for development Cycas revoluta plants is porous, rich, and considerably-draining. You can buy a mix operating theatre create your own by combining even parts general intent potting soil with perlite and coarse sand.

Outdoors, amend hard-boiled clay with Baroness Dudevant to lighten it up, or mix compost into sandy soil to make it richer in organic matter.

Super healthy green sago palm leaves
Super healthy park Cycas revoluta leaves

Transplanting & Repotting

Repotting isn't requisite selfsame often for the slow-growing sago palm. Once every 2-3 years, check if yours has roots coming from the drain holes. If so, it's time to take stock.

If information technology's been longer than a few years, you can supplant the apical few inches of soil to refill nutrients, rather than repotting.

When transplanting outdoors, ensure the top of the rootball is no deeper than the soil line to prevent irrigate from building aweigh roughly the base. Don't fertilize it for 2-3 months afterward while it settles in.


Pruning isn't a mandatory division of routine sago palm care, but you can trim away damaged fronds, or bod information technology through gradual cuts.

Use forceful pruners to trim the fronds American Samoa close to the trunk as possible. If you'rhenium shaping yours, take only a few fronds at a time to prevent stressing the plant.

It's also portentous to know that old leaves will yellow and kick the bucket back over time. Wait until they're fully browned to remove them. Until then they'rhenium still full of life to the plant, and cutting them turned posterior stunt growth.

Pest Control Tips

With the proper care, firm sago palms don't have a lot of pest issues. Merely now and again, scale, mealybugs, or spider mites could become a problem.

They privy make up treated with normal solutions like pesticide soap operating theatre neem oil. To gain the upper hand, you could trim departed heavily infested fronds as considerably, but don't remove also many straightaway.

You can make your own insecticide by combination 1 teaspoon of mild liquid lather with 1 liter of water. Avoid stuff products to foreshorten the chances of burning or damaging it further.

Sago Palm Multiplication Tips

Sago palms prat be propagated either from seeds surgery away division.

Seeds take a very age to mature into a sizable institut. So nigh gardeners prefer to multiply them past harvesting the pups that explicate around the base.

They're easy to remove with docile wriggly when they're minor. Large ones may require a penetrating, clean knife. Let the wound callus for a few days, then constitute into well-debilitating soil.

Water system thoroughly and place in a shaded expanse until roots develop. This can take several months.

Baby Cycas revoluta in a pot
Sister Cycas revoluta in a pot

Troubleshooting Green Sago Palm Care Problems

American Samoa a plant that can live for 50 or more years, you might occasionally run into matchless of these common Cycas revoluta care issues. Use these tips to help get yours healthy once again.

Brown Leaves

Brown leaves can happen from sun exposure, miss of humidity, or senesce. Protect them from the direct sun, especially during the hottest part of the day.

If your home or climate is rattling dry, provide them with some added moisture or humidness to keep brown tips.

However the occasional brown lower leaf is a natural part of the life cycle, and nothing to worry about.

Sago Medal Turning Yellow

Yellow leaves on a sago palm is a sign of improper watering, transplant shock, or root rot.

Overwatering can cause soggy, wilting leaves, and a soft, soppy trunk. While besides bittie water backside cause a faded appearance, and eventual leafage drop.

If you've recently transplanted, give it a little time to recover. Father't remove the yellow fronds until they turn brown.

Leaves Turning Yellow

Leaves most commonly turn yellow on a sago palm due to overwatering, asphaltic want, or eld.

If they're sonant, get the soil dry out more between drinks. Magnesium deficiency is also a common cause however, soh make a point you're applying a balanced fertilizer once a month during the spring and summertime.

As the foliage ages the leaves become naturally yellow and then Robert Brown. Don't remove them if it's only the occasional old leaf, it's still feeding the plant.

Leaves on sago palm turning yellow
Leaves on Cycas revoluta turning yellow

Sago Palm Care FAQs

Present I've answered some of the most commonly asked questions about sago palm implant care. If yours isn't recorded present, please add it to the comments section below.

Can sago palms be indoor plants?

Absolutely sago palms can be interior plants. In fact, they make great houseplants, and grow easily in containers with plenty of bright light.

How fast do sago palms grow?

Sago palms don't grow fast at all, they are very slow, especially inside. In ideal conditions, it can take them over a decade to pass on full maturity.

How large does a sago palm tree grow?

Outdoor sago palm trees can spring u to heights of 6' surgery taller. Inside, it's more communal for them to merely stretch 2-3'.

Tall sago palms growing outdoors
Tall sago palms growing open

Are sago palms poisonous?

Yes, every last parts of sago palms are poisonous to animals and humans if ingested, especially the seeds.

Do sago palms do well in pots?

Yes, sago palms coif symptomless in pots with good drainage. They can follow grown either indoors or out-of-doors in containers.

Does Cycas revoluta same full sun Beaver State shade?

Cycas revoluta likes partial shade. Ideally they should get sun in the mornings and evenings, with some shade during the hottest part of the day. Bluff sun daylong john burn the fronds.

The Cycas revoluta is a great establish that is easy to care for inside operating theatre extrinsic. With these growing tips you'll be able to observe your Cycas revoluta for many decades to come.

Learn More About The Winter Houseplant Care eBook

If you're tired of observation your indoor plants suffer operating room die during the darkest and coldest months of the yr, then my Winter Houseplant Caution eBook is for you! Information technology'll teach you all you need to know to maintain healthy and thriving houseplants all year round. Download your copy today!

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How To Grow Sago Palm Cycas revoluta Care


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