I Have a Multiselect When Want Select Again First Dates Is Cleaned


About Vueform


Vueform is a comprehensive class builder for Vue.js that makes form evolution a breeze. It standardizes and handles the unabridged form edifice procedure, including:

  • a consummate theming and templating organization with Tailwind back up (similar to @vueform libraries)
  • 25+ form elements with multi-file uploads, appointment pickers and rich text editor
  • element nesting and repeating
  • 50+ validators with async, dependent and custom rules
  • conditional logic on element & form level
  • breaking forms into steps with form wizard
  • dynamic class rendering with JSON back up
  • translating course content and global i18n support.

Vueform pre-release is open for registration for the kickoff 100 developers with special discounts.

Learn more: https://vueform.com

Other libraries

  • @vueform/slider - Vue iii slider component with multihandles, tooltips merging and formatting.
  • @vueform/toggle - Vue 3 toggle component with labels, custom slots and styling options.

Multiselect features

  • Vue ii & three back up
  • No dependencies
  • 100% coverage
  • TypeScript support
  • ESM support
  • Single select options
  • Multiple select options
  • Tags
  • Choice groups
  • Async options
  • Search & filtering
  • Custom slots
  • Events
  • CSS vars back up
  • Tailwind & utility form support
  • Fully configurable
  • CSP compilant


  • Demo
  • Installation
    • Using with Vue 3
    • Using with Vue 2
    • Using with Nuxt.js
  • Support
  • Configuration
    • Basic props
    • Advanced props
  • API
  • Events
  • Slots
  • Styling
    • Styling with CSS vars
    • Styling with Tailwind CSS
  • Examples
    • Single select
    • Multiselect with object options
    • Multiselect with disabled options
    • Multiselect with groups
    • Tags with search, create and array of objects options
    • Autocomplete with async options
    • Tags with async options
    • Select with custom options slot
    • Multiselect with custom label slot
    • Tags with custom tags slot
  • License


Bank check out our demo.


              npm install @vueform/multiselect                          

Using with Vue 3

<template>   <div>     <Multiselect              v-model=                "value"                            :options=                "options"                            />   </div> </template>              <script>                              import                Multiselect                from                                  '@vueform/multiselect'                                                                          consign                default                {                              components:                {                              Multiselect,                              },                              data() {                              return                {                              value:                zilch,                              options:                [                                                'Batman'                ,                                                'Robin'                ,                                                'Joker'                ,                              ]                              }                              }                              }              </script>              <way              src=                "@vueform/multiselect/themes/default.css"              ></style>

Using with Vue 2

When using Vue 2 install @vue/composition-api via npm/yarn first:

npm i @vue/limerick-api --relieve-dev

And then install the plugin for Vue:

              import              Vue              from              'vue'              import              VueCompositionAPI              from              '@vue/limerick-api'              Vue              .              use              (              VueCompositionAPI              )            

After that make sure to change the imported Multiselect module to:

              import              Multiselect              from              '@vueform/multiselect/dist/multiselect.vue2.js'            

Using with Nuxt.js

Offset you need install @nuxtjs/limerick-api:

npm i @nuxtjs/composition-api --relieve

And so you need to enable it as a module in nuxt.config.js:

              {              buildModules:              [              '@nuxtjs/composition-api/module'              ]              }            

After that brand certain to modify the imported module to Vue two version of Multiselect:

              import              Multiselect              from              '@vueform/multiselect/dist/multiselect.vue2'            

For more information on using @nuxtjs/limerick-api read their documentation.


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Basic props

Name Type Default Description
mode cord single Possible values: single|multiple|tags.
options array|object|role [] List of options. Can be:
- an array (eg. [1,2,three])
- an object (eg. {a:one,b:2,c:3})
- an assortment of objects:
[valueProp]: one,
[label]: 'v1',
- a function returning a Promise (async function) with query input param. The hope should return options every bit an object or as an array of objects.
When an array of objects is provided it must take properties that equal to :valueProp's, :trackBy's and :label's value.
groups boolean false Whether options should exist groupped. Instance:
groups: true,
options: [
[groupLabel]: 'Group label',
[groupOptions]: {options},
disabled: true|false,
The {options} should equal to regular options definition.
groupLabel string label The proper noun of the property that contains the label of a grouping when options are provided in grouping format and groups is true.
groupOptions string options The name of the belongings that contains the options of a group when options are provided in group format and groups is true.
groupSelect boolean true Whether groups can be selected when using multiple or tags way.
groupHideEmpty boolean imitation Whether groups that have no options by default should exist hidden.
required boolean false Whether the HTML5 required attribute should exist used for multiselect (using an invisible fake input).
searchable boolean false Whether the options should exist searchable.
valueProp string 'value' If you provide an assortment of objects as options this property should exist used every bit the value of the option.
trackBy string undefined The name of the property that should be searched when searchable is truthful and an assortment of objects are provided equally options. If left undefined the label prop volition be used instead.
label cord 'characterization' If you provide an array of objects as options the value of this property will be displayed every bit selected option.
placeholder string cypher The text that should exist displayed before any choice is selected.
multipleLabel function A office that returns the label to be displayed for selected options when using multiple fashion. It receives value as an argument. By default information technology renders 1 option selected and [n] options selected based on value length.
disabled boolean false Whether the input should be disabled for the user (API can still be used programmatically).
inputType cord text The type aspect of the search input.
autocomplete string undefined The autocomplete aspect of the search input.
max number -i The maximum number of options that tin be selected when using multiple or tags way. If -one the number of options won't be limited.
limit number -ane The maximum number of options that should be displayed. If -one the number of options won't exist express.
loading boolean false Whether a loading spinner should be shown.
id string 'multiselect' The id of the multiselect container DOM.
caret boolean true Whether should display the caret symbol on the right.
noOptionsText string 'The list is empty' The text that should be displayed when options list is empty.
noResultsText string 'No results establish' The text that should be displayed when there are no search results.
openDirection string bottom Whether the option list should exist displayed above or below the multiselect. Possible values: top|bottom
strict boolean truthful Whether should regard accents/diacritics in search.
classes object An object of class names that gets merged with the default values. Default: {
container: 'multiselect',
containerDisabled: 'is-disabled',
containerOpen: 'is-open up',
containerOpenTop: 'is-open-top',
containerActive: 'is-active',
singleLabel: 'multiselect-single-label',
singleLabelText: 'multiselect-unmarried-label-text',
multipleLabel: 'multiselect-multiple-label',
search: 'multiselect-search',
tags: 'multiselect-tags',
tag: 'multiselect-tag',
tagDisabled: 'is-disabled',
tagRemove: 'multiselect-tag-remove',
tagRemoveIcon: 'multiselect-tag-remove-icon',
tagsSearchWrapper: 'multiselect-tags-search-wrapper',
tagsSearch: 'multiselect-tags-search',
tagsSearchCopy: 'multiselect-tags-search-copy',
placeholder: 'multiselect-placeholder',
caret: 'multiselect-caret',
caretOpen: 'is-open',
clear: 'multiselect-clear',
clearIcon: 'multiselect-clear-icon',
spinner: 'multiselect-spinner',
dropdown: 'multiselect-dropdown',
dropdownTop: 'is-elevation',
dropdownHidden: 'is-subconscious',
options: 'multiselect-options',
optionsTop: 'is-top',
group: 'multiselect-grouping',
groupLabel: 'multiselect-group-characterization',
groupLabelPointable: 'is-pointable',
groupLabelPointed: 'is-pointed',
groupLabelSelected: 'is-selected',
groupLabelDisabled: 'is-disabled',
groupLabelSelectedPointed: 'is-selected is-pointed',
groupLabelSelectedDisabled: 'is-selected is-disabled',
groupOptions: 'multiselect-group-options',
option: 'multiselect-choice',
optionPointed: 'is-pointed',
optionSelected: 'is-selected',
optionDisabled: 'is-disabled',
optionSelectedPointed: 'is-selected is-pointed',
optionSelectedDisabled: 'is-selected is-disabled',
noOptions: 'multiselect-no-options',
noResults: 'multiselect-no-results',
fakeInput: 'multiselect-fake-input',
spacer: 'multiselect-spacer'

Avant-garde Props

Name Type Default Description
canDeselect boolean truthful Whether a selected pick can be deselected when using unmarried mode.
canClear boolean true Whether option(south) tin exist cleared.
clearOnSearch boolean imitation Whether the option list should be cleared when a new character is typed before loading new options list, when using async options.
clearOnSelect boolean truthful Whether the choice list should exist cleared upon selecting an option when using async options.
closeOnSelect boolean true Whether the option list should be hidden upon selecting an option.
filibuster number -one The delay in milliseconds that should occur between the last typed character and refreshing an async pick listing. If -1 the choice listing volition not refresh when the search query changes. If 0 it volition refresh without filibuster.
filterResults boolean true Whether option list should be filtered past search query. This may exist prepare to false if y'all are handling filtering manually when returning async options.
minChars number 0 The minimum number of characters that should be typed to refresh async option listing. If 0 it will refresh even when the search field becomes empty.
resolveOnLoad boolean true Whether async options should exist loaded initially (with an empty query). This should be truthful if yous are planning to load non-object value(south) initially while using async options (to fetch matching objects for values).
appendNewTag boolean true Deprecated two.iii.0: apply appendNewOption instead.
Whether it should append new tag automatically to selection list when using tags style with createTag. If ready to fake you lot demand to take intendance of appending a new tag to the provided :options list upon @tag event.
createTag boolean false Deprecated 2.3.0: employ createOption instead.
Whether it should allow creating new tags based on search query when using tags way.
addTagOn array ['enter'] Deprecated 2.3.0: use addOptionOn instead.
The list of keys that creates a new tag while typing in the search field when having createTag enabled. Possible values: 'enter'|'space'|'tab'|';'|','.
appendNewOption boolean true Whether it should append new selection automatically to option list when searchable and createTag are enabled. If set to faux you need to accept care of appending a new option to the provided :options list upon @choice issue.
createOption boolean false Whether information technology should allow creating new options based on search query when searchable is enabled.
addOptionOn assortment ['enter'] The list of keys that creates a new option while typing in the search field when having createOption enabled. Possible values: 'enter'|'infinite'|'tab'|';'|','.
hideSelected boolean truthful Whether selected options should exist excluded from the option list when using multiple or tags mode.
showOptions boolean true Whether option list should be displayed. Tin can exist used to create complimentary-typed tags.
object boolean false Whether the value should be stored as an object.
If false:
value: ['js','jsx','ts']
value: [
attrs object {} HTML attributes to add to the input field when search is enabled.
nativeSupport boolean simulated Whether hidden input fields should be appended to achieve native data treatment.


Name Params Description
open Opens the options list.
shut Closes the options listing.
select option Selects an choice based on its value.
deselect option Deselects an option based on its value.
remove choice Allonym for deselect.
selectAll Selects all options if mode is tags or multiple.
clear Deselects all selected options.
clearSearch Clears electric current search query.
refreshOptions callback Refreshes async options listing.
setPointer choice Points an selection based on its value.

To access API use ref on Multiselect component:

              <              Multiselect              v-model="value"              :options="options"              ref="multiselect" />
              // eg:              mounted              (              )              {              this              .              $refs              .              multiselect              .              open              (              )              }            

To programmatically open and focus the multiselect, call focus() on the element:

              mounted              (              )              {              this              .              $refs              .              multiselect              .              $el              .              focus              (              )              }            


Event Attributes Description
@change value Emitted later the value is changed.
@close Emitted afterwards closing the option list.
@deselect option Emitted after an option is deselected or a tag is removed.
@open Emitted after opening the option listing.
@search-modify query Emitted after a character is typed.
@select option Emitted after an pick or tag is selected.
@tag query Deprecated two.3.0: employ @choice instead. Emitted after enter is hit when a new tag is beingness created.
@option query Emitted after enter is hit when a new option is being created.
@clear Emitted when the options are cleared.
@paste Event Emitted when value is pasted into the search field.


Slot Attributes Description
placeholder Rendered equally placeholder when the multiselect does not have value and placeholder prop is defined.
afterlist Rendered subsequently the options list.
beforelist Rendered before the options list.
multiplelabel values Rendered when using multiple mode and options are selected. By default information technology renders the return value of multipleLabel function.
nooptions Rendered when the options list is empty. Past default renders noOptionsText.
noresults Rendered when there are no search results. Past default renders noResultsText.
grouplabel group Renders an option group characterization.
option option, search Renders an choice in options list.
singlelabel value Rendered when using single mode and an option is selected. By default it renders the :label if the selected option.
tag option, handleTagRemove, disabled Renders a tag when using tags way. When disabled the remove icon should not be displayed. The handleTagRemove prop should exist used to trigger the removal of the tag.
caret Renders a small triangle on the right side of the multiselect.
articulate clear Renders a remove icon if the multiselect has whatever value. The clear method should be used on mousedown issue.
spinner Renders a loader icon when async options are being fetched.

Note: nosotros don't use camelCase considering they are normalized back to lowercase when written in DOM.


Styling with CSS vars

The following CSS variables tin be used to customize multiselect when using default.css:

              --ms-font-size              :              onerem              ;              --ms-line-meridian              :              1.375;              --ms-bg              :                              #FFFFFF;              --ms-bg-disabled              :                              #F3F4F6;              --ms-border-color              :                              #D1D5DB;              --ms-border-width              :              ipx              ;              --ms-radius              :              4px              ;              --ms-py              :              0.fiverem              ;              --ms-px              :              0.875rem              ;              --ms-band-width              :              iiipx              ;              --ms-ring-colour              :                              #10B98130;              --ms-placeholder-colour              :                              #9CA3AF;              --ms-max-height              :              xrem              ;              --ms-spinner-color              :                              #10B981;              --ms-caret-color              :                              #999999;              --ms-clear-color              :                              #999999;              --ms-clear-color-hover              :                              #000000;              --ms-tag-font-size              :              0.875rem              ;              --ms-tag-line-height              :              1.25rem              ;              --ms-tag-font-weight              :              600;              --ms-tag-bg              :                              #10B981;              --ms-tag-bg-disabled              :                              #9CA3AF;              --ms-tag-color              :                              #FFFFFF;              --ms-tag-color-disabled              :                              #FFFFFF;              --ms-tag-radius              :              fourpx              ;              --ms-tag-py              :              0.125rem              ;              --ms-tag-px              :              0.vrem              ;              --ms-tag-my              :              0.25rem              ;              --ms-tag-mx              :              0.25rem              ;              --ms-tag-remove-radius              :              4px              ;              --ms-tag-remove-py              :              0.25rem              ;              --ms-tag-remove-px              :              0.25rem              ;              --ms-tag-remove-my              :              0rem              ;              --ms-tag-remove-mx              :              0.125rem              ;              --ms-dropdown-bg              :                              #FFFFFF;              --ms-dropdown-edge-color              :                              #D1D5DB;              --ms-dropdown-border-width              :              onepx              ;              --ms-dropdown-radius              :              4px              ;              --ms-group-characterization-py              :              0.3rem              ;              --ms-group-label-px              :              0.75rem              ;              --ms-group-label-line-tiptop              :              1.375;              --ms-group-characterization-bg              :                              #E5E7EB;              --ms-group-label-color              :                              #374151;              --ms-grouping-label-bg-pointed              :                              #D1D5DB;              --ms-group-label-color-pointed              :                              #374151;              --ms-group-label-bg-disabled              :                              #F3F4F6;              --ms-group-label-color-disabled              :                              #D1D5DB;              --ms-group-label-bg-selected              :                              #059669;              --ms-grouping-label-color-selected              :                              #FFFFFF;              --ms-group-characterization-bg-selected-pointed              :                              #0c9e70;              --ms-group-label-colour-selected-pointed              :                              #FFFFFF;              --ms-group-label-bg-selected-disabled              :                              #75cfb1;              --ms-group-label-color-selected-disabled              :                              #D1FAE5;              --ms-selection-font-size              :              1rem              ;              --ms-option-line-height              :              1.375;              --ms-option-bg-pointed              :                              #FFFFFF;              --ms-option-colour-pointed              :                              #1F2937;              --ms-option-bg-selected              :                              #10B981;              --ms-option-color-selected              :                              #FFFFFF;              --ms-option-bg-disabled              :                              #FFFFFF;              --ms-option-colour-disabled              :                              #D1D5DB;              --ms-option-bg-selected-pointed              :                              #26C08E;              --ms-option-colour-selected-pointed              :                              #FFFFFF;              --ms-option-bg-selected-disabled              :                              #FFFFFF;              --ms-pick-color-selected-disabled              :                              #D1FAE5;              --ms-option-py              :              0.vrem              ;              --ms-pick-px              :              0.75rem              ;              --ms-empty-color              :                              #4B5563;

Override them globally:

              :              root              {              --ms-tag-bg              :                              #059669;              --ms-tag-color              :                              #D1FAE5;              --ms-tag-radius              :              9999px              ;              --ms-tag-font-weight              :              400; }

Or on an instance level:

<Multiselect              5-model=                "value"                            :options=                "options"                            grade=                "multiselect-green"                            />  <Multiselect              v-model=                "value"                            :options=                "options"                            class=                "multiselect-blue"                            />
.multiselect-green              {              --ms-tag-bg              :                              #D1FAE5;              --ms-tag-color              :                              #059669; }  .multiselect-blue              {              --ms-tag-bg              :                              #DBEAFE;              --ms-tag-colour              :                              #2563EB; }

Styling with Tailwind CSS

To use Multiselect with Tailwind CSS kickoff y'all need to add background images to tailwind.config.js:

              // tailwind.config.js              const              svgToDataUri              =              require              (              'mini-svg-information-uri'              )              module              .              exports              =              {              theme:              {              extend:              {              backgroundImage:              (              theme              )              =>              (              {              'multiselect-caret':              `url("                  ${                  svgToDataUri                  (                                                                              `<svg viewBox="0 0 320 512" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M31.3 192h257.3c17.8 0 26.vii 21.5 14.1 34.1L174.1 354.8c-7.8 7.viii-20.5 7.eight-28.three 0L17.2 226.1C4.vi 213.5 13.5 192 31.3 192z"></path></svg>`                  ,                                                                              )                  }                ")`              ,              'multiselect-spinner':              `url("                  ${                  svgToDataUri                  (                                                                              `<svg viewBox="0 0 512 512" fill="                      ${                      theme                      (                      'colors.green.500'                      )                      }                    " xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M456.433 371.72l-27.79-16.045c-7.192-4.152-ten.052-thirteen.136-6.487-20.636 25.82-54.328 23.566-118.602-6.768-171.03-xxx.265-52.529-84.802-86.621-144.76-91.424C262.35 71.922 256 64.953 256 56.649V24.56c0-9.31 7.916-16.609 17.204-15.96 81.795 v.717 156.412 51.902 197.611 123.408 41.301 71.385 43.99 159.096 eight.042 232.792-iv.082 8.369-14.361 11.575-22.424 6.92z"></path></svg>`                  ,                                                                              )                  }                ")`              ,              'multiselect-remove':              `url("                  ${                  svgToDataUri                  (                                                                              `<svg viewBox="0 0 320 512" fill="currentColor" xmlns="http://world wide web.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M207.6 256l107.72-107.72c6.23-6.23 6.23-xvi.34 0-22.58l-25.03-25.03c-6.23-half dozen.23-xvi.34-6.23-22.58 0L160 208.4 52.28 100.68c-6.23-6.23-16.34-6.23-22.58 0L4.68 125.7c-six.23 half dozen.23-six.23 16.34 0 22.58L112.iv 256 4.68 363.72c-6.23 half dozen.23-6.23 sixteen.34 0 22.58l25.03 25.03c6.23 6.23 16.34 6.23 22.58 0L160 303.6l107.72 107.72c6.23 6.23 16.34 6.23 22.58 0l25.03-25.03c6.23-6.23 6.23-xvi.34 0-22.58L207.vi 256z"></path></svg>`                  ,                                                                              )                  }                ")`              ,              }              )              }              ,              }              }            

Then you demand to import themes/tailwind.scss to you primary component:

<template>   <div              id=                "app"              >     <Multiselect              ... />   </div> </template>              <script>                                                //                  ...                            </script>              <manner                lang=                  "                                scss"                >                              @import                                  'path/to/node_modules/@vueform/multiselect/themes/tailwind.scss'                                            </style>            

Using :classes prop

Alternatively y'all can ascertain form names directly by passing them to the Multiselect component via classes property. When using this arroyo you don't need to import tailwind.scss. Here's a default styling for Tailwind CSS (the same included in tailwind.scss):

<Multiselect              ... :classes=                "{                              container:                                  'relative mx-auto westward-total flex items-center justify-end box-border cursor-pointer border border-greyness-300 rounded bg-white text-base of operations leading-snug outline-none'                ,                              containerDisabled:                                  'cursor-default bg-gray-100'                ,                              containerOpen:                                  'rounded-b-none'                ,                              containerOpenTop:                                  'rounded-t-none'                ,                              containerActive:                                  'ring ring-light-green-500 ring-opacity-xxx'                ,                              singleLabel:                                  'flex items-middle h-full max-west-full absolute left-0 top-0 arrow-events-none bg-transparent leading-snug pl-3.5 pr-sixteen box-border'                ,                              singleLabelText:                                  'overflow-ellipsis overflow-hidden cake whitespace-nowrap max-w-full'                ,                              multipleLabel:                                  'flex items-middle h-total absolute left-0 superlative-0 arrow-events-none bg-transparent leading-snug pl-three.v'                ,                              search:                                  'w-total absolute inset-0 outline-none focus:band-0 appearance-none box-edge edge-0 text-base font-sans bg-white rounded pl-3.5'                ,                              tags:                                  'flex-grow flex-shrink flex flex-wrap items-eye mt-1 pl-two'                ,                              tag:                                  'bg-dark-green-500 text-white text-sm font-semibold py-0.five pl-two rounded mr-one mb-1 flex items-center whitespace-nowrap'                ,                              tagDisabled:                                  'pr-2 opacity-50'                ,                              tagRemove:                                  'flex items-center justify-center p-1 mx-0.5 rounded-sm hover:bg-black hover:bg-opacity-ten group'                ,                              tagRemoveIcon:                                  'bg-multiselect-remove bg-center bg-no-echo opacity-thirty inline-block w-3 h-3 group-hover:opacity-60'                ,                              tagsSearchWrapper:                                  'inline-cake relative mx-1 mb-ane flex-grow flex-shrink h-full'                ,                              tagsSearch:                                  'absolute inset-0 border-0 outline-none focus:ring-0 appearance-none p-0 text-base of operations font-sans box-border w-full'                ,                              tagsSearchCopy:                                  'invisible whitespace-pre-wrap inline-block h-px'                ,                              placeholder:                                  'flex items-center h-full accented left-0 top-0 arrow-events-none bg-transparent leading-snug pl-3.v text-gray-400'                ,                              caret:                                  'bg-multiselect-caret bg-center bg-no-repeat w-2.5 h-4 py-px box-content mr-3.5 relative z-x opacity-40 flex-shrink-0 flex-grow-0 transition-transform transform pointer-events-none'                ,                              caretOpen:                                  'rotate-180 pointer-events-car'                ,                              articulate:                                  'pr-3.5 relative z-10 opacity-xl transition duration-300 flex-shrink-0 flex-grow-0 flex hover:opacity-80'                ,                              clearIcon:                                  'bg-multiselect-remove bg-center bg-no-echo west-2.5 h-iv py-px box-content inline-block'                ,                              spinner:                                  'bg-multiselect-spinner bg-eye bg-no-repeat w-4 h-4 z-10 mr-iii.five animate-spin flex-shrink-0 flex-grow-0'                ,                              dropdown:                                  'max-h-60 accented -left-px -right-px bottom-0 transform translate-y-total border border-greyness-300 -mt-px overflow-y-scroll z-50 bg-white flex flex-col rounded-b'                ,                              dropdownTop:                                  '-translate-y-total top-px bottom-automobile flex-col-opposite rounded-b-none rounded-t'                ,                              dropdownHidden:                                  'hidden'                ,                              options:                                  'flex flex-col p-0 m-0 listing-none'                ,                              optionsTop:                                  'flex-col-reverse'                ,                              grouping:                                  'p-0 m-0'                ,                              groupLabel:                                  'flex text-sm box-border items-center justify-outset text-left py-1 px-3 font-semibold bg-grey-200 cursor-default leading-normal'                ,                              groupLabelPointable:                                  'cursor-pointer'                ,                              groupLabelPointed:                                  'bg-gray-300 text-gray-700'                ,                              groupLabelSelected:                                  'bg-greenish-600 text-white'                ,                              groupLabelDisabled:                                  'bg-grey-100 text-gray-300 cursor-non-allowed'                ,                              groupLabelSelectedPointed:                                  'bg-green-600 text-white opacity-90'                ,                              groupLabelSelectedDisabled:                                  'text-light-green-100 bg-green-600 bg-opacity-l cursor-not-allowed'                ,                              groupOptions:                                  'p-0 grand-0'                ,                              pick:                                  'flex items-center justify-start box-border text-left cursor-arrow text-base leading-snug py-2 px-3'                ,                              optionPointed:                                  'text-gray-800 bg-gray-100'                ,                              optionSelected:                                  'text-white bg-green-500'                ,                              optionDisabled:                                  'text-gray-300 cursor-not-allowed'                ,                              optionSelectedPointed:                                  'text-white bg-green-500 opacity-90'                ,                              optionSelectedDisabled:                                  'text-light-green-100 bg-green-500 bg-opacity-50 cursor-not-immune'                ,                              noOptions:                                  'py-2 px-3 text-gray-600 bg-white text-left'                ,                              noResults:                                  'py-two px-3 text-greyness-600 bg-white text-left'                ,                              fakeInput:                                  'bg-transparent absolute left-0 correct-0 -lesser-px due west-full h-px border-0 p-0 appearance-none outline-none text-transparent'                ,                              spacer:                                  'h-9 py-px box-content'                ,              }"                            />

Certain classes has different states which are merged to the base class when the state is active. For example dropdown volition be merged with dropdownTop when open-direction: 'top' resulting in the following classes: absolute -left-px -right-px bottom-0 transform translate-y-full edge border-gray-300 -mt-px overflow-y-gyre z-50 bg-white flex flex-col rounded-b -translate-y-full summit-px bottom-auto flex-col-reverse rounded-b-none rounded-t

The aforementioned is true for container, tag, options, groupLabel and selection classes.

In case you need to override the same blazon of utility y'all might use @neojp/tailwind-important-variant for eg. bg-green-500!.


  • Single select
  • Multiselect with object options
  • Multiselect with disabled options
  • Multiselect with groups
  • Tags with search, create and array of objects options
  • Autocomplete with async options
  • Tags with async options
  • Select with custom options slot
  • Multiselect with custom label slot
  • Tags with custom tags slot

Single select

<Multiselect              v-model=                "value"                            :options=                "[                  'Batman'                ,                                  'Robin'                ,                                  'Joker'                ]"                            />

JSFiddle - Instance #one

Multiselect with object options

<Multiselect              5-model=                "value"                            manner=                "multiple"                            :close-on-select=                "                false                "                            :options=                "{                              batman:                                  'Batman'                ,                              robin:                                  'Robin'                ,                              joker:                                  'Joker'                                                            }"                            />

JSFiddle - Example #ii

Multiselect with disabled options

<Multiselect              5-model=                "value"                            mode=                "multiple"                            :shut-on-select=                "                false                "                            :options=                "[                              { value:                                  'batman'                , characterization:                                  'Batman'                                },                              { value:                                  'robin'                , label:                                  'Robin'                , disabled:                true                },                              { value:                                  'joker'                , label:                                  'Joker'                                },                              ]"                            />

JSFiddle - Instance #iii

Multiselect with groups

<Multiselect              5-model=                "value"                            mode=                "multiple"                            :close-on-select=                "                faux                "                            :groups=                "                true                "                            :options=                "[                              {                              label:                                  'DC'                ,                              options:                [                  'Batman'                ,                                  'Robin'                ,                                  'Joker'                ],                              },                              {                              label:                                  'Marvel'                ,                              options:                [                  'Spiderman'                ,                                  'Fe Homo'                ,                                  'Helm America'                ],                              },                              ]"                            />

JSFiddle - Case #4

Tags with search, create and array of objects options

<Multiselect              v-model=                "value"                            mode=                "tags"                            :close-on-select=                "                false                "                            :searchable=                "                truthful                "                            :create-option=                "                true                "                            :options=                "[                              { value:                                  'batman'                , label:                                  'Batman'                                },                              { value:                                  'robin'                , label:                                  'Robin'                                },                              { value:                                  'joker'                , label:                                  'Joker'                                },                              ]"                            />

JSFiddle - Example #five

Autocomplete with async options

<Multiselect              v-model=                "value"                            placeholder=                "Choose a programming language"                            :filter-results=                "                false                "                            :min-chars=                "                1                "                            :resolve-on-load=                "                fake                "                            :delay=                "                0                "                            :searchable=                "                truthful                "                            :options=                "                async                function(query) {                              return                await                fetchLanguages(query)                                  //                  check JS block in JSFiddle for implementation                                            }"                            />

JSFiddle - Example #six

Tags with async options

<Multiselect              five-model=                "value"                            style=                "tags"                            placeholder=                "Cull your stack"                            :close-on-select=                "                false                "                            :filter-results=                "                faux                "                            :min-chars=                "                1                "                            :resolve-on-load=                "                false                "                            :delay=                "                0                "                            :searchable=                "                true                "                            :options=                "                async                function(query) {                              return                await                fetchLanguages(query)                                  //                  cheque JS block in JSFiddle for implementation                                            }"                            />

JSFiddle - Example #seven

Select with custom options slot

<Multiselect              v-model=                "value"                            placeholder=                "Select your character"                            characterization=                "proper name"                            :options=                "[                              { value:                                  'captainamerica'                , name:                                  'Helm America'                , icon:                                  'https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/avengers-filled/48/03_-_Captain_America_-_infinity_war_-_end_game_-_marvel_-_avengers_-_super_hero-512.png'                                },                              { value:                                  'spiderman'                , name:                                  'Spiderman'                , icon:                                  'https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/data/icons/avengers-filled/48/12_-_Spiderman_-_infinity_war_-_end_game_-_marvel_-_avengers_-_super_hero-512.png'                                },                              { value:                                  'ironman'                , name:                                  'Atomic number 26 Man'                , icon:                                  'https://cdn2.iconfinder.com/information/icons/avengers-filled/48/02_-_IRONMAN_-_infinity_war_-_end_game_-_marvel_-_avengers_-_super_hero-512.png'                                },                              ]"                            >   <template              v-slot:singlelabel=                "{ value }"              >     <div              course=                "multiselect-single-label"              >       <img              grade=                "character-label-icon"                            :src=                "                value.icon                "              > {{              value.name              }}     </div>   </template>    <template              v-slot:option=                "{ choice }"              >     <img              class=                "graphic symbol-option-icon"                            :src=                "                option.icon                "              > {{              choice.name              }}   </template> </Multiselect>            

JSFiddle - Example #8

Multiselect with custom characterization slot

<Multiselect              v-model=                "value"                            mode=                "multiple"                            placeholder=                "Select your characters"                            :close-on-select=                "                false                "                            :options=                "{                              batman:                                  'Batman'                ,                              robin:                                  'Robin'                ,                              joker:                                  'Joker'                                                            }"                            >   <template              5-slot:multiplelabel=                "{ values }"              >     <div              class=                "multiselect-multiple-characterization"              >       {{              values.length              }} characters selected     </div>   </template> </Multiselect>            

JSFiddle - Example #9

Tags with custom tags slot

<template>   <Multiselect              v-model=                "value"                            style=                "tags"                            placeholder=                "Select employees"                            track-by=                "name"                            label=                "proper name"                            :close-on-select=                "                false                "                            :search=                "                true                "                            :options=                "[                              { value:                                  'judy'                , name:                                  'Judy'                , image:                                  'https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/med/women/i.jpg'                                },                              { value:                                  'jane'                , proper name:                                  'Jane'                , image:                                  'https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/med/women/ii.jpg'                                },                              { value:                                  'john'                , name:                                  'John'                , image:                                  'https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/med/men/1.jpg'                                },                              { value:                                  'joe'                , name:                                  'Joe'                , prototype:                                  'https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/med/men/2.jpg'                                }                              ]"                            >       <template              v-slot:tag=                "{ option, handleTagRemove, disabled }"              >         <div              class=                "multiselect-tag is-user"              >           <img              :src=                "                option.paradigm                "              >           {{              option.name              }}           <span              v-if=                "                !disabled"                            class=                "multiselect-tag-remove"                            @mousedown.prevent=                "                handleTagRemove(option, $event)"                            >             <span              class=                "multiselect-tag-remove-icon"              ></span>           </span>         </div>       </template>   </Multiselect> </template>              <mode>                              .multiselect-tag.is-user                {                                                padding                :                5px                                viiipx                ;                                                border-radius                :                22px                ;                                                background                :                #35495e;                                                margin                :                threepx                                threepx                                eightpx                ;                              }                                            .multiselect-tag.is-user                img                {                                                width                :                eighteenpx                ;                                                edge-radius                :                l%                ;                                                height                :                18px                ;                                                margin-right                :                8px                ;                                                edge                :                iipx                                solid                #ffffffbf;                              }                                            .multiselect-tag.is-user                i                :before                {                                                color                :                #ffffff;                                                border-radius                :                50%                ;;                              }                                            .user-image                {                                                margin                :                0                6px                                0                0;                                                border-radius                :                50%                ;                                                height                :                22px                ;                              }              </style>            

JSFiddle - Example #10




Source: https://github.com/vueform/multiselect

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